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Northern Irelands Trinity Housing Assocation contract Think Backup to safeguard all their critical business data!
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McLernon Computers, in association with Sam McLernon Ltd (Packaging), Sangers (NI) Ltd and a number of IT companies providing services and products to Northern Irish pharmacies will be taking to the roads in October with a series of road shows.
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Buy Now! and enjoy peace of mind of knowing your data is secure with Think Backup                                                              

Home Users - For Single Computers - PC or Mac

Price *
Small 25 GB £100 per year
Medium 50 GB £150 per year
Large 100 GB £175 per year

 Business Users - For Servers, Emails, Databases and Multiple Backup Sets

Capacity Mailboxes
Price * *
Small 10 GB 10 £47 per month
Medium 20 GB 20 £77 per month
Large 50 GB 50 £100 per month

Extra Large

100 GB 100 £140 per month


Home Users - For single computers, photos, music, MS Office files

Price *
Small 25 GB £120 per year
Medium 50 GB £216 per year
Large 100 GB £360 per year



Click here to complete your purchase

To find out more about Think Backup! please call 0800 122 3010 during business hours or 

*  Home User prices include VAT at 20%

** Business prices are subject to VAT at 20%.  A VAT receipt will be issued by email.

Upon receipt of payment, your account will be created and the details you require sent to your email address.

Don't worry, our helpdesk will be on hand to answer any queries you may have.

Telephone - 0800 122 3010 during working hours or

Email - for 24/7 support


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